Test Pit 2

Test Pit 2. Mulberry Cottage, Green Street

Property description and location

Mulberry Cottage, formerly a pair of cottages dated c.1810, is a detached Grade II listed property (NHLE No. 1285033) and is one of a scattered series of houses extending along Green Street. Set c.30m back from the road edge the property is clearly shown on the Tithe map (named in the apportionment as 'Cottages and Gardens' owned by Sir Edward Kerrison). The 1st Edition OS shows the separation of the plot into two cottages and gardens.

Test Pit description

Pit 2

Two separate pits were excavated at the property. Pit 2a was 1.55m from the west side of the house on an area of grass lawn slightly raised above the level of the main front garden. A modern topsoil, Context 1, overlaid a layer of yellow/brown clay with scattered charcoal, Context 2, beneath which natural sands were seen.

Pit 2b was again on an open grass lawn, 1.6m south of the hedge fronting the road. It showed a modern topsoil, Context 1, overlying 0.4m of dark brown clay/loam, Context 2.

Test Pit finds summary

Pit 2

Sherds of GRE (16th-18th century) were the earliest of the pottery types recovered from the two pits, which also contained Victorian pottery. In addition post-medieval ceramic building material, clay tobacco pipe, glass, plastic, iron nails and other modern metalwork such as the cog from a clock were identified, and some animal bone with cut marks.

Test Pit Discussion

Both pits showed well worked garden topsoil deposits containing a mix of 19th/20th century material contemporary with occupation of the current house. The 16th-18th pottery suggests possible occupation or activity on the site prior to the house's construction.

Table of Finds - Test Pit 2a

Spit No Context No Sieved? Display/ Keep? Pottery Post Med/ modern Medieval CBM Fired Clay Mortar/ Plaster Clay Pipe Glass Flint Slate Plastic Iron Nails Iron Other Other Metalwork Animal Bone Oyster Shell Land Snail Comments
1 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14 bits Clock, cog, toy sheep Yes

Table of Finds - Test Pit 2b

Spit No Context No Sieved? Display/ Keep? Pottery Post Med/ modern Medieval CBM Fired Clay Mortar/ Plaster Clay Pipe Glass Flint Slate Plastic Iron Nails Iron Other Other Metalwork Animal Bone Oyster Shell Land Snail Comments
1 1 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
2 2 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Modern buckle Yes - cut
3 2 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Copper buckle
4 2 ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Details of Pottery Finds - Test Pit 2a

Spit No Context No Display/ Keep? Post Med/ modern Medieval Details
1 1 Yes Victorian & GRE 16th-18th C

Details of Pottery Finds - Test Pit 2b

Spit No Context No Display/ Keep? Post Med/ modern Medieval Details
1 Yes Victorian
2 2 Yes Victorian and 4 x GRE (16th-18th C), Modern flowerpot
3 2 Yes Victorian and 1 GRE 16th-18th C
4 2 Yes Victorian and 1 GRE 16th-18th C